Facing up to the information crisis, three Z generation artists, Tingting Zhang, Yunhan Liu and Yan Ma are trying to raise the debate on noematic autonomy through various media. By deconstructing, interpreting and reconstructing, the artists transform intangible awareness, ideology and senses into touchable installations.
Who are we? Where are we? It seems increasingly hard to position ourselves under the impact of the information era. We create data every day, yet are shaped by it. The massive amount of information not only blurs the boundary between the virtual world and reality, but also weaves an invisible web that controls people’s feelings, thoughts and action. Being entangled in this vortex, are we still the subjective owner of self-consciousness, or are we becoming the object of it?
HYPERLAND creates a man-made garden where shining “sun”, flowing “clouds” and fluid “rocks” form an extraordinary ecological system. Roaming around the exhibition, the viewer will act as both independent thinker and objective element of the artificial system.
Being immersed in this contextual experiment, will people rethink about the connection between the inner awareness and the exterior world? Will they finally win the autonomy of self-consciousness?

Featuring Artists: Tingting Zhang, Yunhan Liu, Yan Ma
Private View: 31 July 6:30pm
Public Exhibition: 1-5 August (Tue-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5)






